This volume contains the following contributions:
The Language of “Idealities” : Interview of J.T. Desanti by M.A. Sinaceur– Résistances (Simone Debout); Innovation and Scientific System (Sylvain Auroux); Nicomaque of Gerasa and Eratosthen’s Riddle (Bernard Besnier); What is an Artefact in the History of Sciences? (Maurice Caveing); Signal and Writing (Gérard Granel); On the Hardness of Sense (Patrice Loraux); Psychical Analysis and the Splitting Up of Man (P-F Moreau); Mathematical Idealities and Objective Reality (Jean Petitot); An Armed Philosopher (René Schérer); The Abilities of a Body (Bernard Sichère); Logic : Ordinary Mathematics or Genuine Epistemology (Hourya Sinaceur).